Diablo 4 demo?
Diablo 4 demo?

One of the survey questions - and I will paraphrase here - asked if you were interested in playing BlizzCon demos online. A couple years ago, Blizzard Entertainment shared a survey to a certain amount of players. Rhykker covered this redditor’s find in his latest video, where he adds his own speculation idea: “Is a Diablo 4 demo coming to BlizzConline?” Well, I kinda doubt this is the case - but I could be wrong. People like you and me get the speculation spider-sense tingling: “Is Diablo 4 Beta near?”

diablo 4 demo?

Mistakes like these come with consequences.

diablo 4 demo?

If this truly happened, it was very likely a mistake by someone at Blizzard who flagged it for public view, accidentally. The download isn’t possible with a decryption key - which means this build is only accessible by Blizzard employees - most likely only the Diablo 4 team.

diablo 4 demo?

Someone with username Azimuthus posted in Reddit an image of what he claims is spotting the Diablo 4 downloader in the Blizzard Launcher.

Diablo 4 demo?